Article | March 22, 2022

EPIC and Other Enterprise Solution Options – Installation and Optimization for Physician and Hospital Practices

Implementing integrated Enterprise-wide Electronic Health Records (EHR) is the current trend in healthcare covering both hospitals and physician practices. The vendor’s goal is to install the software. The functionality and success is solely dependent on the build, effective installation, and implementation assurity of their systems. EHR providers are well-versed on their Information Technology (IT) build and system capabilities, but often limited on the actual practical requirements or their understanding of the operational needs of the clients to be served. Kohler Healthcare Consulting, Inc. (KHC) can help fill the gap and shorten your timeline to successful processing.

KHC has worked with a number of facilities to ensure the EHR, preference lists, and related revenue cycle/billing builds are done right. Too often, installs are pushed through without a complete understanding of the provider operational flow, comprehensive testing, and baseline financial measures to ensure revenue is not lost in the transition. Our team has seasoned clinical professionals, revenue cycle experts, and coding staff members to help “translate”. We support the needs of clinicians, Finance staff, Information Technology, and Patient Financial Services staff for the builds. Additionally, our team is able to review the Charge Description Master (CDM) data prior to an IT build, so fee schedules, coding, revenue coding, and in some instances, relative value units, are accurate for each line item.